Harvard alumni, staff and faculty around the world have the power, energy and will to address emergent and critical issues around human rights, natural disasters and wartime crises. 

All hands on deck.

Want to stay up-to-date on ways to help Ukraine?

"My hope for us in the years to come is that we continue to engage—as individuals and as a community—in the big issues of the day." -Lawrence Bacow, President of Harvard
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Harvard Alums Making a Difference in the World

We are a small group of alumni from HBS, HKS, HGSE and Harvard College who are committed to marshalling Harvard alumni resources not just for the Ukraine, but for all emergent humanitarian crises around the globe - whenever and wherever they occur. We have been inspired by others who got involved and want to make it easy for other alumni to get involved themselves.  

Lorne Adrain's Story

In recent weeks, I spontaneously went to Poland for twelve days to help feed, shelter and transport Ukrainian refugees.  It was heartbreaking to witness the physical and emotional pain these people were suffering but inspiring to experience the spontaneous warmth and generosity of the Polish people and to witness countless volunteers of so many languages and nations who simply showed up to help...taking time from their lofty lives around the globe, to carry bags, make food, prepare beds, provide transportation and procure supplies.

I only found my way to Poland myself because I saw that my neighbor and friend Meredith, a Kennedy school alum, had posted on FB that she had flown to Warsaw, rented a car and headed to the Ukraine border to help.  I texted her to ask, "what are you experiencing and would it be helpful if I go to Poland to pick up where you leave off?" "Absolutely!", she said.  

I hosted a zoom call with a bunch of fellow HBS alums, with Meredith sharing her story and asked if others might want to help - either going to Poland/Ukraine, donating to Meredith's fund for direct assistance to refugees (Venmo money for food, transportation, etc.), or giving to larger organizations with efficient and effective work in the situation.  

The power of a handful of people working together speaks for itself. So far, a handful of us have raised and applied nearly $400,000, inspired dozens of people to go to Poland to help, and connected scores of individuals and organizations throughout Poland and Ukraine who are doing critical humanitarian work.

Our goal with HavardCAN is to lower the barriers to engagement and make it easier for anyone to help. Wherever there is a humanitarian crisis around the globe, we aim to identify needs on the ground and to rally the volunteer, financial and advisory power of Harvard alums to support those needs.

Lorne Adrain, HBS ‘83

How Can You Help?


HarvardCAN Fund at Kosciuszko Foundation - The Kosciuszko Foundation is partnering with us to provide tax-efficient giving.  This fund allows us to apply your support where needed most to support people.  In Comments section, insert “HarvardCAN Fund”

Kosciuszko Foundation is also hosting a fund to support the work of Harvard alum Brooks Newmark.  Same link, but put "Angels for Ukraine" in the comments section.

Donate Now


Airtable link will bring you to a list of current needs that we can match you with.  If one captures your interest, just email Lorne.Adrain@gmail.com for more guidance and validation.

Join Airtable


We need to determine how HarvardCAN can add value - to the lives of the people of Ukraine and to would-be volunteers and donors in this humanitarian crisis. To do so, we are surveying as many of the 400,000 Harvard alums as we can.  

We hope you will take a couple minutes to share your thoughts by completing the survey below.

Complete the Alumni Survey

We also hope you will ask fellow Harvard alums to complete the survey - please copy, paste and send this information to a handful of your fellow Harvard alums (or as many as you can in 2 minutes).

I came across a group of fellow Harvard alums (Harvard College, HBS, HKS, HGSE) who are working to develop a web platform that will celebrate the efforts of Harvard alums making a difference in Ukraine, make it easier to see the many ways people can volunteer and make it clearer how and where to provide financial support that is more effective and efficient. 

Second, we need volunteers who can help us with a variety of tasks -  as much or as little as you have to give.  Please provide your email and we will be in touch

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Alumni Supporting HarvardCAN

“I am grateful to my neighbor, friend and HKS alum Meredith Pearson for going to Poland and showing me how to show up for the people of Ukraine. It was one of the most heartbreaking, yet inspiring experiences of my life. And I am happy to have shown 7 more people how they could engage”

Lorne Adrain, HBS '83

"I am often asked what has motivated me. I had family that perished in the Holocaust. Mine were from Poland and Lithuania. I grew up as part of the post-Holocaust generation; what happened at that time is hard-wired into our consciousness. But also hard-wired into me is the notion that there were some who stood up to be counted in our hour of need."

Brooks Newmark, Harvard '80, HBS '84

"Witnessing modern day man-made humanitarian crisis happen real time weighs heavily. Especially in the context of family’s experiences in an authoritarian government. Just trying to do anything possible to help and to mobilize others with skills and resources to help.  It is our generational responsibility to do better. "

Ming He,  HGSE '16

"What motivated me…Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George SantayanaNo better words were written to capture our motivation for coming to work in support of the Ukrainian refugees in Krakow, Poland.The war in Ukraine is being waged a few hundred miles away from the killing fields of Auschwitz.  The slaughter of innocent Ukrainian men, women and children has no precedent other than Hitler’s campaign 80 years ago. We came here to be witnesses to this 21st century tragedy and to offer whatever modest support we could. We spent our time working alongside other volunteers at the JCC of Krakow. "

Michael and Susan Rabin, HBS '83

"It was a revelation how easy it was to plug in and be helpful on the Polish Ukrainian border with just a  chance moment of motivation and guidance.  I am forever changed and inspired by my experience, and was left wanting more. What if we could experience moments that would spur us to action not by chance, but by design?"

Meredith Pearson, HKS '98

"I am helping explore the development of ways to help Harvard alums engage because there is so much potential for good in our alumni community. My motivations include humanitarian service to the common good."

John Van Slyke Jr., HBS '70, former HBS faculty member

"All across Harvard University we train our graduates to be superb problem solvers. I'm inspired to join HavardCAN so we can bring the collective power of our alumni around the world to bear as we grapple with the most pressing and devastating humanitarian issues facing us."

Alexandra Morehouse, Harvard '80, HBS '84

Ready to help this effort?

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We need to determine whether or not this effort can add any value - to the lives of the people of Ukraine and to volunteers and donors in this humanitarian crisis. To do so, we are surveying as many of the 400,000 Harvard alums as we can.  We hope you will take a couple minutes to share your thoughts by completing the survey here.